The ultimate guide to garden compost, additives and mulch

No garden soil is absolutely perfect for every type of flower and vegetable. This is why different garden compsots have been formulated for specific types of plants and different stages of growth. Below, we will explain the benefits of every type of compost and outline the main attributes of popular bags of compost available in the market.
As the name suggests, this compost is suitable for most established plants. It’s best suited for hanging baskets, raised and planters.

Bord na Móna Growise – Multi-purpose compost
Suitability: seeds, cuttings, pots and bags and hanging baskets
A peat-reduced compost mixed with essential nutrients to ensure healthy grow at every stage.
Has an added agent that ensures even watering
Suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants.

Durstons Multi-purpose compost
Blended to increase water absorption, aeration and drainage
Ideal for all garden uses.

Bord na Móna Growise – Multi-purpose compost with John Innes
Added John Innes provides higher levels of water rentention and nutrient buffering
Ideal for pots, hanging baskets, beds and borders

Bord na Móna Growise – Multi-purpose grow bag
Ideal for greenhouses, balconies or patios
Perfect for new gardeners
Contain essential nutrients to encourage rapid grow
Gives protection from soil borne deceases
Suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants.

Levington – Multi-purpose compost
Superior texture
Help plants develop strong roots
Absorbs 25% more water
Potting compost
Potting compost is best suited for seedlings and young plants. Normal composts are too rich and can be too coarse for seeds and young plants. These specialists compost have added nutrients specifically formulated to develop strong roots and have a finer texture.

John Innes – Seed
The ideal substrate for seeds and cuttings and general propagation
Carefully balanced for the nutritional needs of seeds

John Innes – No 1
The ideal compost for growing plants
Best suited for transplanting seedlings and newly rooted cuttings

John Innes – No 2
Best for repotting house plants
Medium size pots

John Innes – No 3
Ideal for established plants kept in containers
Use as a final potting stage
Can be used as top dressing

Miracle-Gro – Potting mix
Encourages root growth for stronger, healthier plants
Contains a balanced plant feed that lasts up to 3 months.
Specialist compost
Developed with a specific formulation to cater for the plant's needs.

Bord na Móna Growise – Ericaceous Compost
Formulated with a wet agent for easy watering
Perfect for lime sensitive plants such as Azaleas, Camellias, Rhododendrons and Heathers

Levington – Tomorite giant tomato planter
Added sea weed for full flavored tomatos
Deeper, thicker planter for better growth

Levington – Desert cactus and bonsai compost
Its ph balance provides a more acid soil, perfect for cacti, succulents and bonsai trees.
Contains a free draining blend of loam, sand and peat.

Levington – Orchid compost
Free draining blend of bark and peat preferred by orchids

Bord na Móna Growise – Tub and basket compost
Nutrient rich and plus extra moisture control
Perfect for all plants in cointainers, as it promotes steady growth
Ideal for hanging baskets, containers and window planters

Bord na Móna Growise – Rose, tree & shrub compost
Suitable for potting or planting out
Perfect raised beds and borders
Soil improvers
Invigorates and restores the natural goodness in soil. It can improve aeration and drainage in clay soils and add more body to a light sandy soil. It will encourage healthy leaves and flowers whilst helping root growth.

Bord na Móna Growise – Organic garden soil
Perfect for replacing old soil in borders
Creating raised beds
Can be used in lawns and landscaping

Miracle-Gro – Bulb fibre
Premium peat-free compost
Encourages fast root growth
Specially formulated to help bulbs replenish themselves and flower again next season

Vitax – Perlite
Microporous granules that can be added to soil
Use alone to germinate seeds
Mix with compost to improve aeration, drainage and retention of nutrients.
Country Care - Horse compost
High in nutrients such as nitrogen, potash and phosphates
Improves fertility and water retention
Added to compost it aids aeration and drainage
Ideal for growing vegetables, roses and shrub
Country Care - Mushroom compost
Add to soil to condition and add humus
Ideal for breaking down heavy clay soils
Ideal for growing vegetables, roses and shrub
Mulch is applied on top of cultivated soil or on the surface of pot and planters. It can improve moisture retention in the summer and discourage weeds. It also works as a deterrent for garden pests such as slugs and snails. Plus, it looks very attractive and gives a decorative finish to your beds and borders.

Bord na Móna Growise – Mini chip bark
Decorative ground cover
Protects roots from frost
Suppresses weeds

Bord na Móna Growise – Medium chip bark
Perfect mulch for beds and borders
Can be used to edge drives and paths
Create paths with it
It provides a hard-wearing surface for play areas
All the products featured in this post are available to buy at our garden shop. If you need further advice or you want to check availability and price, please contact us
** Pictures and information used in this blog were taken from the following sites
- Bord na Móna:
- Levington & Miracle Gro:
- Durstons:
- Vitax: